? ? 天藝濃園藝術博覽園B區天藝村坐落于武侯區華興街道,占地約50畝。是集展覽展示、藝術創作、文創研發、文物鑒賞、藝術體驗、藝術收藏、科普教育、餐飲娛樂、文化消費等多功能于一體的創意型文化藝術旅游園區。園區建筑依自然地形而建,錯落有致,建筑形態不拘一格。內設游客中心、天藝茶館、天圖教育工坊、天藝博物館、天藝品園、天藝客棧、天藝美術館、天藝論道堂、海瓷館及創意街區、藝術餐飲,會議,休閑品茗等旅游景點。園區內充分融入中國傳統文化元素。
? ? 天藝村是集餐飲品茗,藝術展覽,文化休閑于一體的現代田園度假圣地,同時已舉辦各類型展覽300余場,藏品已達5萬余件。已經成為成都市、武侯區市民休閑娛樂的重要出游目的地;人和藝境,自然天成的城南天然氧吧,占地50余畝。村中奇樹成蔭,鳥語花香,眾多藝術家聚集于此自由地表達各自的藝術主張,天藝美術館秉承一貫對傳統及當代藝術的關注,以穩定有序的趨勢繼續發展,吸納更廣泛社會群體的參與。古樸的格調裝點村中每一處景觀,名家字畫容入廳中。
Zone B of Tian Yi Art Village
With an area of 50 acres, Tian Yi Art village forges a culture and art complex of catering, entertainment, education, opening more than 500 exhibitions and boasting over 30 thousand pieces of collections. It is an important tourist destination for Chengdu residents.
Tianyi Village is a modern pastoral resort that combines catering, art exhibition, culture and leisure. At the same time, it has held more than 300 exhibitions of various types and has more than 50,000 pieces. It has become an important destination for leisure and entertainment for citizens in Chengdu and Wuhou District; the natural oxygen bar of Chengnan, a natural and natural environment, covers an area of more than 40 acres. The village is full of trees, birds and flowers, and many artists gather here to express their artistic ideas freely. Tianyi Art Museum adheres to the traditional attention to traditional and contemporary art, continues to develop in a stable and orderly manner, and absorbs a wider social group. Participation. The quaint style decorates every landscape in the village, and famous paintings are placed in the hall.